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New Paper in Advanced Energy Materials

Our work in collaboration with Prof. Anna Roig and Prof. Jordi Llorca has been published in Advanced Energy Materials! Congrats Pau and Miquel.
H2 generation with plasmonic crystals! 
Au/TiO2 2D‐Photonic Crystals as UV–Visible Photocatalysts for H2 Production

New Paper in Advanced Materials!

Our work on 2D-chiral perovskite nanocrystal metasurfaces for circularly polarized
photoluminescence has been recently accepted in Advanced Materials! Congratulations to José and Pau!

One more paper in Advanced Optical Materials!

Our research about the High-throughput nanofabrication of metasurfaces with polarization dependent response has been published in Advanced Optical Materials. A great teamwork within the Enlightment group.

Our templated self-assembly as cover in Angewandte Chemie

Our recent work on assembled perovskite nanocrystals for amplified spontaneous emission graces the cover of Angewandte Chemie. The image illustrates the assembly process and the resulting photonic architecture after removing the patterned mold.

Paper published in Advanced Materials!

Our paper entitled Nanostructured Back Reflectors for Efficient Colloidal Quantum-Dot Infrared Optoelectronics has been published in Advanced Materials. Co-authored by P. Molet, in collaboration with the University of Toronto.

Chech it out!

Paper published in Angewandte Chemie!

Our paper entitled Templated-assembly of CsPbBrperovskite nanocrystals into 2D photonic supercrystals with amplified spontaneous emission, co-authored by D. Vila-Liarte, J. L. Garcia-Pomar and A. Mihi, has been published in Angewandte Chemie Interntional Edition. A great collaboration with the University of Munchen and CIC biomaGune.

Paper published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C!

Our paper Near infrared organic photodetectors based on enhanced charge transfer state absorption by photonic architectures, co-authored by P.Molet and A. Mihi, has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Paper published in Nano Letters!

Our paper Energy Transfer and Interference by Collective Electromagnetic Coupling has been published in Nano Letters. Co-authored by M. Gómez-Castaño, within a collaboration with the Arizona State University, University of Bordeaux and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Check it out!

Paper published in Nanophotonics!

Our paper about Large area metasurfaces made with spherical silicon resonators has been published in Nanophotonics. Co-authored by P. Molet, J. L. Garcia-Pomar and A. Mihi after an enriching collaboration with researchers from the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid.

Do not miss it!